Bio Menace nu freeware

Apogee/3D Realms geeft alle fans een kerstkadootje: Bio Menace is nu als freeware te downloaden. Bio Menace is een sidescroller die gebaseerd is op de oude Keen 4 engine. Het duurde twee jaar om Bio Menace te ontwikkelen, omdat het grotendeels door één man gemaakt is. Bio Menace was redelijk succesvol maar is nooit zo'n hit als Duke Nukem of Commander Keen geworden.

De download bevat alle drie de delen. Jim Norwood, die destijds verantwoordelijk was voor Bio Menace, zei: "'The good ol' days' - that's what I always say when I am referring to the times when a one person with a vision, some TLC, and a lot of time on their hands, could sit down and write a cool PC title from start to finish without a sixty million dollar budget and a team of one hundred. I wore every hat while working on Bio Menace. From designer, to artist, to programmer - I was a veritable army of one (at least in my own mind)."

Scott Miller, de oprichter van Apogee: "Bio Menace is an interesting project for several reasons, not the least of which is that Jim Norwood created practically every asset on his own, from game code, to art, to sound, to level design. The one significant area not created by Norwood is the game's engine. It was created by Id Software, and was the engine original used for the second trilogy of Commander Keen games, starting with 'Goodbye, Galaxy.'"