AI Picture Gallery #131

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] glacial by subterfugitive and dumb luck ::-1 Fashion photography, f/ 22 ::4 A glacial landscape under aurora borealis at night, glacial flowers ::4 warm glowing orange light in the windows of multiple distant scattered frostpunk shelters ::2 two - people in the foreground facing the camera, an elegant woman and a handsome man are both standing to the side next to each other while dressed in elaborate intricately handcrafted lavender haute - couture rococo glacialpunk boots with cramp - on microspikes and clothing that perfectly blend into the content and texture of their surroundings, both shown from the feet up, hypermaximalism, hyperdetailed, bioluminescent frostpunk glacialpunk bloomcore ::5 glacial flowers, frostpunk bokeh snow flurries, lavapunk bokeh ::3 Tilt - shift, photorealism, hyperreal 16K, raytraced shadows, raytraced reflections, unreal, octane render, highest resolution digital fashion photography, asymmetrical, uncentered, off - center left ::2 Arts and crafts, symmetry, centered ::-1 Full body view ::4