AI Picture Gallery #135

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Deconstruction | by Subterfugitive, Environmental Photography ::-1 Environment | vast cityscape, two people face and observe a massive space elevator the size of a city as it reaches up towards space and disappears into the atmosphere, atmospheric perspective ::6 Background | Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Civilisation from the Debris, A violet, green, and yellow dystopian cyberpunk landscape under midnight purple sky at night ::4 Setting | Green and yellow neon light in the windows of distant kintsugi cracked cyberpunk buildings, biomechanical mutated flowers, maximal deconstruction of cyberpunk megatowers, maximal debris ::5 Surroundings | biomechanical nanobot radioactive trinkets, kintsugi reflective wet pavement, spinning red - alert lights, gamma rays, biomechanical radium mushrooms, malachite ice chunks, bright glowing viles of viscous liquid, neon alcohol ink debris, dark bloomcore, cyberpunk frayed - wires, metal foil, intricate sprockets and gears, neon fiber - optic cable, flex - weave debris, bokeh, murmurations of green floating embers, indicator lights, hypermaximalism, hyperdetailed background ::4 People | adults wearing headpiece, backpack, and tech goggles in a dynamic pose ::1 People Details | sleek alluring molten - skin streetsmart adults dressed in elaborate intricately handcrafted dystopian haute - couture rococo cyberpunk boots with cramp - on microspikes, clothing, and elaborate maximal headpiece with tech goggles that perfectly blend into the contents and texture of their surroundings, hypermaximalism, hyperdetailed, gammapunk bioluminescent bloomcore ::1 a backpack with intricate maximalist cybertech gadgetry, hoses, neon fiber - optic lines, sheathed tech weapon, expandable wings, and a tube that dispenses a glowing green molten ooze ::1 Parameters | product photo, fashion photography, commercial photography, f/ 22, photorealism, hyperreal 16K, raytraced shadows, raytraced reflections, unreal, octane render, highest resolution digital fashion photography, asymmetrical, uncentered, off - center left ::4 Arts and crafts, symmetry, centered, birds, feathers, facial blemishes ::-1