AI Picture Gallery #123

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] painting by Caravaggio , school of chivalry, painting by Caravaggio, kingdom of Valinor, warrior ride a horse, portrait.primitive forest surronded by a Castle and a bridge. Huge plains of Yavannah, green plains, full body, panorama, City of Minas Tirith more beautiful and elegant. Nature, sacred god land, Valar city,, ancient elf city, professional lightning, anamorphic, Gondolin mixed with Minas Tirith, dramatic, huge tower, Eregor, BELERIAND Forest, Yavannah, atmosphère, dramatic, grand scene, full body, shot on 35mm, shot on 28mm, epic lightning, dramatic lightning, huge elf city, elden ring style, rings of power, silmarillions, rpg, dungeons and dragons, epic lightning, red lightning,gondolin mixed with Valinor