AI Picture Gallery #136 (fixed: nu met prompts)

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Superimposed | by Subterfugitive ::-1 Eye | hypermaximal cobalt blue, midnight purple, and ultramarine celestial mist superimposed over large blythe doll eye, human iris with thin dark outline ::5 Surrounding eye | maximal, lavendar, cobalt blue, midnight purple and ultramarine filigree pattern, crystal dew drops, and gemstones superimposed over blythe doll eyelids ::4 Surroundings | kitsugi wet pavement, filigree flowerpunk trees, crystal dew drops, and gemstones, dark bloomcore ::3 Blythe doll with ornate celestialpunk haute - couture clothing, boots, and maximal headpiece that perfectly blend into the contents and texture of their surroundings, hypermaximalism, hyperdetailed ::4 Shown | upper body ::3 Parameters | tilt - shift, photorealism, hyperdetailed, raytracing ::2 gold, yellow, arts and crafts ::-1 gold ::-0.5