AI Picture Gallery #133

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Product Photo for clothing accessories, created by subterfugitive and dumb luck, Commercial photography, Fashion photography ::-1 Product photo, Fashion photography, commercial photography, f/ 22 ::4 A magical molten landscape under moonlight at night, bioluminescent volcanic flowers, kintsugi lava rock, bioluminescent mushrooms, flowerpunk, dark bloomcore, bokeh, murmurations of embers, hypermaximailism, hyperdetailed background ::4 Warm glowing orange light in the windows of multiple distant scattered lavarock shelters ::2 young adult woman in the foreground facing the camera wearing headpiece ::5 an elegant alluring woman is dressed in elaborate intricately handcrafted molten haute - couture rococo boots with cramp - on microspikes, clothing, and elaborate maximal headpiece that perfectly blend into the contents and texture of her surroundings, hypermaximalism, hyperdetailed, lavapunk bioluminescent flowerpunk bloomcore ::5 forest flowers, murmurations of embers ::3 tilt - shift, photorealism, hyperreal 16K, raytraced shadows, raytraced reflections, unreal, octane render, highest resolution digital fashion photography, asymmetrical, uncentered, off - center left ::2 Arts and crafts, symmetry, centered ::-1