AI Picture Gallery #79

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] An intense close up of an attractive medium dark-skinned Black female DJ as Thanos, her short to medium locs swaying in time with her wild dance movements. The camera is set to a low angle, emphasizing her indomitable spirit and giving her a larger-than-life presence. The background is filled with stars that are shaped like piano notes, giving a musical air to the scene and emphasizing her creative energy. A single spotlight is focused on her, creating a halo effect and illuminating her in a golden light that gives her an almost divine presence. Incredibly high detailed, Unreal engine, Hyper realistic, Volumetric, Photorealistic, ultra photoreal, ultra-detailed, intricate details, 8K, Super detailed, Volumetric lighting , HDR, Realistic, Unreal Engine, 16k, Sharp focus