AI Picture Gallery #79

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] bathroom mist, scary, cinematic, set design, cinematic mood, horror movie mood, abandoned house, weather, decayed house, abandoned house, dramatic ligth, rim ligth, dark background, soft contrast, distorted soft shadows, sharp details decayed, evil, satanic, cadaveric, cinematography, movie still, cinematic ligthing, mist, photography, 8k. high quality, horror movie scenne, decayed, satanic, cinematography, photo, photography, ambient, movie still frame, stone background, soft focus, desaturated, cinematic, 8k, high quality, intricate details, cinematic ligth, dramatic and misterious ligth creature inside bathtub, tentacular creature, made of raw meat, scary floating above bathtub, dramatic light soft shadows, mist, fog, humanoid, himan limbs fused, human limbs attached, human limbs, zombie, egg meat, egg made of meat, egg rotten creature face on the monster