AI Picture Gallery #134

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] tarot card designed by Pascal Campion, reds, blues, coral, turquoise, metallic gold leaf, many layers of gold throughout, intricate line work, harmonious design ::4 a raging forest fire has awakened the phoenix from the ashes ::2.5 portrait, from very low angle, in the form an extremely beautiful young athletic man with large soulful sparkling eyes, glimmering iridescent skin, flowing flaming auburn hair, wearing a loin cloth, feathers are visible but are burning away, he is being reborn from, the ashes in human form, he is hopeful, idealistic, new ::2.8 heroic, dynamic pose, blinding light, swirling eddies of flames, glints of light, sparkling, magical rebirth, sharp photography, depth of field, bokeh background, tall pines, blue spruce, Douglas firs, exquisite deal, stylized photorealism, molten material, rim lighting, sunset, billowing smoke, cumulous clouds ::3.8 title, words phrase, logo, ad, woman, women, girl, girls, female ::-0.7