AI Picture Gallery #37

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] a 2-point perspective aerial view of a hyperrealistic architecture rendering of a futuristic times square with low-rise metallic buildings and luminescent materials. the architecture is a blend of traditional japanese architecture and modern design. there are metallic facades with long tall windows, hard and sharp edge. futuristic downtown Tokyo.the street are full of people going to bars and night clubs.midnight. the atmosphere is electric and exciting with the sense of promiss. progressive, risky and groundbreaking architecture that push the limits of physics and reality. inspired by zaha hadid, Ma Yangsong, Tadao Ando, Kengo Kuma, Frank Gehry, and Daniel Libeskind.levitating holgrams along the street, bright neon lights, luminescent materials. rule of thirds, hyperdetailed, photorealism, octane render, unreal engine, natural lighting, volumetric lighting, 8k