AI Picture Gallery #75

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] a dreamy abstract virbant surreal image of a giant elephant jumping through the clouds in the sky, captured in 8k HD reality with a striking design and the most extreme color palette imaginable. The image should include an angel among us and have a dynamic color and lighting design with vibrancy. The subject should be grateful and happy for life, posing dynamically, and the image should be captured using Cinematic Color Grading. The 50mm lens and ultra-wide angle should be used to achieve a desired ultra-detailed depth of field, and the image should be beautifully color-coded with insane and intricate details, beautifully color graded and editorial in nature, suitable for photography and photoshoots. The white balance should be set to ProPhoto RGB and the image should be captured in VR. The mood should be lonely and good, with a massive halfrear lighting setup using natural lighting and incandescent bulbs. Optical fiber and moody cinematic lighting should also be used, along with soft studio lighting and volumetric effects. The contre-jour lighting should be beautiful and accent lighting should use global illumination techniques like screen space global illumination and ray tracing global illumination. The image should also consider optics and scattering, with glowing and shimmering effects and rough, ray traced shadows. Ray tracing reflections and lumen reflections should be used, along with diffraction grading and chromatic aberration. GB displacement and scan lines should also be applied. The image should use ray tracing ambient occlusion and anti-aliasing techniques like FKAA and TXAA, along with RTX and SSAO shaders. OpenGL and GLSL shaders should also be applied in post-processing, along with tone mapping and CGI and VFX effects. The image should be insanely detailed and intricate, with an RGB gradient and UHD HDR