Grand Theft Auto IV Patch verkrijgbaar

Er is een patch verschenen voor Grand Theft Auto IV. Het enige wat je hoeft je hoeft te doen is de game opstarten en naar LIVE te connecten, en de patch wordt automatisch voor je binnen gehaald. De patch is 32,6MB en bevat een aantal fixes, waaronder de volgende:

A fix to the crash after legal screen that some German customers were reporting.
Numerous improvements to the video editor: Smarter naming of videos, improved rendering quality, better fx during replays.
Fix to bowling while using certain sensitive mice.
Fix for ATI 1900 shadows.
Overall savings to memory.
Graphic improvements to particle systems and mirrors.
Multiplayer character settings are preserved.
Support for DirectInput controllers.
Rockstar have stated on our forum that they are "going to keep supporting GTA IV PC for a long time," and that we can "expect additional fixes/improvements in the future."