Too Human-producer haalt uit naar het NeoGAF-forum

Too Human, de game die momenteel bijna langer in ontwikkeling is dan Duke Nukem Forever, gaat binnenkort het levenslicht zien op de Xbox 360. Niet iedereen is te spreken over wat er tot nog toe getoond is van de game, zeker niet op gamesforum NeoGAF.

Denis Dyack, producent van Too Human, startte daarom een thread op NeoGAF om de criticasters die de game nog niet gespeeld hadden uit te lichten. Dit leidde uiteindelijk tot een slotje op de thread, maar volgens Dyack was het doel van de thread toen al bereikt.

De uiteenzetting van Dyack is als volgt:

"I went through all of this for two reasons.... If you're going to look at the NeoGAF forum as a non-profit organization, if it does not reform itself, it's eventually going to crumble. There's going to be a point where they step over the line where someone's going to shut them down. That would be a loss for everyone.... The question I have to ask the moderators of GAF: Are you going to follow your own rules? With people making GIFs of myself that are, I would say, attacking me.... Why haven't 180 people been banned now? If I wanted to move in and shut that place down, do I have grounds under their own forum policy?"

Leave Too Human alone!

"NeoGAF and other forums like this that don't have good management are not only hurting society and hurting the videogame industry, they're in decline, and they need to reform quickly before people stop listening to them.... If the moderators and people who run the site think they aren't doing any damage, they are sorely mistaken, and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens."

Dyack, ook wel bekend van z'n MS Paintskills om Too Human uit te leggen, is dus bang dat NeoGAF door z'n eigen populariteit ten onder zal gaan als de moderators niet strenger op gaan treden. Ook andere gamefora zullen zonder streng beleid in de vergeten archieven van internet verdwijnen.