Nieuwe en oude moves en wapens in Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2, wie is er nog niet bekend met het feit dat de opvolger van de hitgame er aankomt? Langzaam krijgen we steeds meer informatie over de game. Zo zullen we een hoop uit de eerste game terug gaan zien, maar er zijn uiteraard ook de nodige vernieuwingen voor zowel de single- als multiplayer:
-New weapon: Scorcher (Flamethrower)

-5 vs 5

-Assasination gametype altered. everyone respawns until their leader is dead. When the leader is killed they stop respawning and the game ends when everyone is dead on one team.

-Assasination renamed 'Guardian'.

-New gametype 'Wingman' 10 players split into teams of two. Each team is played as different character (e.g. marcus and marcus vs Dom and Dom etc)

-Features Matchmaking

-Executions now vary on the weapon you're holding (e.g. sniper rifle will be used ike a golf club)

-Curb stomp returns

-'Y' will cause your character to unleach several brutal punches to a downed enemy, killing him.

-'A' will cause you to pick up the enemy and use him as a shield. The player your using as a shield will go to the respawn line.

-New gametype 'meatflag' sort of like CTF but epic have done this in their own way. The flag will instead be a character wandering around the centre of the map. He has his own weapons and even a place on the leaderboard.
To capture him you will need to down him and pick him up as a meatshield and take him back, slowly, to your base. If you shoot the meatflag enough times while he's being dragged back to base, his captor will loose him and he'll go crazy on everyone around him.

-Specific weapons will cycle round the maps.

-Stopping power - if your running towards an enemy but he is firing straight into your chest, you will slow down.

-The oppurtunity to spawn with either the lancer or hammerburst.

-Hammerburst gone through significant alterations. The faster you tap the the right trigger, the faster it fires. However: Quicker shooting = more recoil.

-New weapon: Medusa. Could be considered a power weapon. 6 shots per burst.

-Bullet shields: Big metal shield that stops you from getting hit. Can be planted into the ground to make a new cover. Enemies can kick it down though if they get close enough.

-Grenades can be stuck anywhere, not just on enemies. They can be planted on the ground,walls,doors etc to produce a proximity mine.

-smoke grenades carry a stun effect that ragdolls anyone in range.

-new weapon: poison gas grenade. Produces a cloud of smoke that kills anything that lingers in it. They can be stuck onto enemies were they will slowly die. People stuck by the gas grenade can also injure team-mates if they get too close.

-On games with no respawn, when you are dead you can fly around the map as a "ghost cam". You can even take screenshots that will be uploaded to the community.

-Gridlock returns. However its more overgrown now, plants and grass growing. (Everything is still the same though- cars are where they where etc)

-New map - 'river' - symetrical map, each team has a thin strip of land with a house and sniping tower, and in between them a river.

-New map - 'Security' - long thin map.

-New locust 'hammerhead' (His helmet makes him look sorta like a hammerhead shark)

-New locust 'Grenadier' (This is the guy we saw in the video were marcus punches him to death)

-Two people can chainsaw one guy at the same time.

-New cog 'Tai' has aboriginal tattoo's.

-New cog 'Dizzy' "looks like chuck Norris"

-Cole returns for multiplayer at least.