AI Picture Gallery #128

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] photograph of a small table inside of a grand hotel in sarajevo at night, a martini, carpaccio, chrysanthemus in a coca cola cans, a glass of rosé, a sardine, ketchup, a cigarette box, a lighter, mustard, a napkin, a hydrangea blossom, a , a crab on a beautiful plate, the back of a woman with short blonde ponytail, background tilt shift, realistic details, alluring, cinematic, color grading, depth of field, hyper-detailed, beautiful color-coded, insane details, editorial photography, photorealistic, UHD, HDR, HD, natural lighting, BubbaGrim, Canon EOS R3, F1,4, ISO 200, 1160s, 32K, RAW, Pro Photo RGB, bokeh, lens flare, high quality, 400MP, Megapixel, Super-Resolution