AI Picture Gallery #128

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Decaying Vortex of the Pure, blurry foreground elements, 8k, HD, volumetric lighting, God rays, Cinematography, photorealistic, Unreal Engine, Cinematic lighting, Color Grading, Wide Angle, Depth of Field, hyper-detailed, beautifully color-coded, insane details, intricate details, beautifully color graded, Unreal Engine, Cinematic, Color Grading, Photoshoot, Depth of Field, DOF, Tilt Blur, White Balance, 32k, Super-Resolution, Megapixel, ProPhoto RGB, VR, Halfrear Lighting, Backlight, Natural Lighting, Incandescent, Optical Fiber, Moody Lighting, Cinematic Lighting, dwarf climbing a moutain cinematic, post production, depth of field, cinema photography, cinema, color grading, professional color grading, 55 mm lens, Exquisite detail, sharp-focus, intericately-detailed, long exposure time, f/8, ISO 100, | Shutter speed 1/125, diffuse-back-light, award winning photography, realistic photography, hyper realistic, unreal engine, realistic lense flare, real lighting, inscriptions, hyper realistic, 8k, detailed, photography, Cinematic Lighting, StudioLighting, Beautiful Lighting, Accent Lighting, Global Illumination, Ray Tracing | Global Illumination, Optics, Scattering, Glowing, Shadows, Rough, Shimmering, Ray Tracing Reflections, Lumen Reflections, Screen Space Reflections, Diffraction Grading, GB Displacement, Scan Lines, Ray Traced, Ray Tracing Ambient Occlusion, Anti-Aliasing, FKAA, TXA RTX, SSAO, Shaders, OpenGL- | Shaders,GLSL-Shaders, Post Processing, Cel Shading, Tone Mapping, CGI, VFX, SFX, insanely detailed and intricate, hypermaximalist, elegant, hyper realistic, super detailed, golden ratio, rule of thirds