AI Picture Gallery #96

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Portrait a South American two parrots and Green Snake opened jaws behind, photo imitating national geographic, realistic feather textures, warm colored glowing all feathers, feathers red fuxia turcus, feathers in natural colors for parrot species, looks straight into the camera lens, in the background a beautiful green forest and a lot of trees, gold light and sun rays , looks straight into the camera lens, discreet smoke at the bottom, photo imitating national geographic photographs, exquisite detail, 30-megapixel, 4k, 85-mm-lens, sharp-focus, intricately-detailed, long exposure time, f/8, ISO 100, shutter-speed 1/125, diffuse-back-lighting, award-winning photograph, facing-camera, looking-into-camera, monovisions, elle, small-catchlight, low-contrast, High-sharpness, facial-symmetry, depth-of-field, golden-hour, ultra-detailed photography