Xbox Live Arcade games mogen weer wat groter worden

In een interview met geeft Xbox Live Arcades David Edery aan dat de maximale grootte van Xbox Live Arcade games met 100 MB is toegenomen naar 350 MB.

We've been listening to our partners, listening to our customers to try and get a feel for what's right. We don't want the size limit to hit the roof because we think there's some value in promoting small pick and play experiences that don't cost USD 20 million, it's good for the ecosystem.

Aldus een enthousiaste Edery.

In het interview wordt er verder nog gepraat over het certificatie-proces, meerdere developers hebben al online lopen klagen dat het zo lang duurt (soms maanden) voor een game daadwerkelijk online staat.

Oh, it's almost never like that. There have been some stories in the press – like Jeff Minter complaining about the certification process – but in general what happens is a developer realises that there's a lot more going on in console development than they first realised. Of the three consoles our tools are by far the best, but even then making a console multiplayer game is still damned hard, making a well-tuned, not broken, Live game. Especially indies who've never made a console game before, they always underestimate how hard it's going to be.

Het volledige interview is hier te lezen, er wordt onder andere gepraat over XNA en episodic gaming.

Space Giraffe is één van de games die lang op zich liet wachten.