C&C 3 nu al aan de vierde patch

De patches vliegen bijna nog sneller de deur uit dan de game zelf, de vierde patch verhelpt weer een hoop problemen met het afspelen van filmpjes, andere (online) problemen en optimalistaties.
Hieronder een kort lijstje:

--Made further improvements to video playback on low-end Windows XP system configurations.

Bug Fixes
--Fixed an error that caused some players to crash or disconnect while in online lobbies.
--Fixed an error that caused players with semicolon (' ; '), colon (' : '), comma (','), or equal sign ('=') characters in their Online IDs to not be able to see and select options from dropdown menus in online multiplayer lobbies. These characters are no longer permissible in Online IDs.
--Fixed an error that caused players to desync when watching a BattleCast match in which one of the participants disconnected.

Other Fixes
--All online multiplayer game lobbies will now appear properly localized in different languages.

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