Phil Harrison geeft fouten toe

Phil heeft toegegeven dat Sony in 2006 nogal wat marketingfouten heeft gemaakt betreffende de Playstation 3. Hij geeft toe dat hij er niet in geslaagd was om de mogelijkheden van de Playstation 3 naar de consument te communiceren. Harrison zei het volgende in een vierdelig interview met NewsWeek:
We did a very bad job between E3 2006 and the media event in October. [It's] something which in hindsight I wished we had done – but that's 20/20 vision. I wished we had released a movie showing the Xross Media Bar in action to the web after E3 2006. Not maybe showing every single feature, but just to give people something to chew on.

In hindsight we should have done something about that, and we should have said: ‘Here's the photo mode viewer. Here's the music player. Here's the Blu-Ray player. Here's the network functionality. Here's the Web browser.’ And I think we would have addressed head-on a lot of that. Now, we didn't.

Daarnaast gaf hij de Japanse Playstation 3 fabrikanten een schouderklop in het interview:
We are under no illusions as to the complexity of the challenge. I think what you've touched upon is actually the thing that we wrestle with internally. Our engineers in Japan are unrivaled in their ability. I have unbelievable respect for what they have pulled off from a hardware point of view, a software point of view, an operating system point of view, how robust the machine is.

The fact that the Playstation 3 experience, which is exponentially more complicated than a PS2 or a PS1, works, does what it says, every time, efficiently, effectively – it's a fantastic achievement.