Jack Thompson versus Penny-Arcade, round two

Het conflict tussen Penny-Arcade en anti-game kruisvaarder Jack Thompson krijgt een staartje. Eerder konden we je melden dat Penny-Arcade $10.000 dollar had overgemaakt naar een goed doel, naar aanleiding van een uitdaging van Thompson. De boze advocaat, die bekend is geworden door zijn aanpak van de Hot Coffee Mod van Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, heeft de politie van Seattle ingeschakeld om Penny-Arcade een lesje te leren.

In een brief die is gefaxt naar het desbetreffende politiebureau is het volgende te lezen:

"A Seattle business by the name of Penny Arcade... employs certain personnel who have decided to commence and orchestrate criminal harassment of me by various means... This company has done this because I dared to go on CBS's 60 Minutes in March and again in July to explain a wrongful death lawsuit I have brought on behalf of two police officers and a police dispatcher in Fayette, Alabama, who were shot in the head and killed by Devin Moore who obsessively trained on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to kill them."

"As you may know, this incredibly violent Rockstar Games product is actually a 'cop-killing' murder simulator. There are a bunch of computer geeks out there who think that the video game industry has a constitutional right to paint a bullseye on your back and on your officers' backs... That is what this criminal harassment of me by Penny Arcade is all about. They're even selling an 'I Hate Jack Thompson' t-shirt, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. These idiots have been so careless as to post on their www.pennyarcade.com web site what they are doing regarding the harassment of me."

"I look forward to working with your fine Police Department to shut this little extortion factory down and/or arrest some of its employees."

Zoals je kunt lezen is Thompson minstens furieus te noemen over de acties van Penny-Arcade. Zo kan hij het 'I Hate Jack Thompson' t-shirt allesbehalve waarderen, maar ook het feit dat ze hem bespotten en niet serieus nemen weegt hem zwaar.

De mensen van Penny-Arcade hebben een reactie op het bericht gegeven:

Obviously he didn't mention anything to the police department about his Modest proposal in which he asks that a game be developed in which players urinate on peoples brains and murder kids who work at game stores. He never mentions that he offered ten thousand dollars to charity and then said it was just 'satire'. He doesn't tell the police chief that Jerry and I just donated the ten thousand for him. I wonder why he left that part out?

We zijn benieuwd hoe dit gaat aflopen.
