AI Picture Gallery #130

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] Breathtaking actioncam photo of a Cosmic Priestess in Hitech bioFiligree, ultra attractive perfect athletic full body with her spaceship hovering over the ground behind her in the background an epical final fantasy alien landscape with an arcus shelf cloud in the sunset sky in front of the priestess between the priestess and the camera there is a hovering filigree star tetrahedron built for cosmic transendental travels& universal transport for spirits guided in alien opalescent colors, iridiscent prismatic and metallic highlights, translúcido, subsurface scattering, cinematic lighting, cosmic landscape rich with alien flora and fauna Tilt - Shift perspective, Tilt Shift lens, ultra sharp focus, ultra sharp detail, surface detail, extremely intricately detailed and ornamented, visual clarity, crisp clear image intricately detailed& ornamented, hyperdetailed, very fine detail, sharp detail, surface detail, hyper maximailsm level of detail, ultra resolution