Klassieke zombies in Resident Evil 6

Capcom heeft vandaag aangegeven dat ze de 'klassieke zombie' terug gaan brengen met Resident Evil 6. Fans van de gamereeks hadden geklaagd dat de zombies in de laatste twee delen niet de 'klassieke zombies' waren die ze verwachten van de reeks. Capcom heeft dus geluisterd en leveren de zombies die fans verwachten.

“We tried to respond to the requests and put them in this game. We tweaked them a bit so they aren’t the same zombies you would expect. The zombies when you first see them, they shamble around slowly. But, if they spot you or they get closer they break out into a sudden dash and try to grab you. We tried to make this as instantaneous as possible. Some of them will leap out at you. For the most part, they are zombies, but they have a bursts of energy here and there that give them a little extra oomph.”

Zombies zullen dit keer veel lijken op de mens die ze ooit waren; enkelen zullen zelfs wapens bij zich dragen, aldus Capcom.

“It’s not that we decided zombies should use weapons per se, it’s just that we wanted to get across the feeling that these used to be people and people either picked up weapons when they were fighting or they used certain objects when they were alive. They have this instinctual ability to pick up these things and use them. It’s not that they are purposely using weapons, it’s in the back of their mind because they used to use weapons before they became zombies.”

Resident Evil 6 moet in november uitkomen voor PlayStation 3 en Xbox 360.