Michael Bay reageert op Uwe Bolls uitdaging

De bitchfight tussen Uwe Boll en Michael Bay lijkt nog niet eerder afgelopen te zijn. Nadat Uwe Boll zijn grote vriend Michael Bay uitdaagde voor een bokswedstrijd, reageerde Michael Bay met felle kritiek:

Can we stop talking about this guy! I never even heard his name till last week when he made threats and rants. The guy is a fucking idiot, making threats to me, Clooney, Eli Roth, says he has a doctorate - but uses the word "retard" in his vocabulary, come on. When you look at his videos, what is interesting are the backgrounds. I guess his low rent offices, with 15 year old 3/4 machines, archaic computers, this is just some dumb chump trying to get some fame when he has none, so he has to make Youtube lame quality anger rants. Guy just want attention because he can't get any for the so called movies he makes. Nothing sadder when he had his screening in LA to an over half empty movie house.

He is a troubled soul - let's just waste time on talking about him please.


Michael Bay durft/wil dus niet boksen. Het enige wat hij kan doen, is gewoonweg keiharde kritiek geven. Het is dus de vraag hoe Uwe Boll hierop gaat reageren. Of komt Uwe toch met een heel origineel idee om de ruzie op te lossen?