Meer Final Fantasy remakes voor DS?

In Japan kan de Final Fantasy III remake voor de DS een succes genoemd worden en ook in Amerika en Europa lopen er al een hoop gamers warm voor deze game. Naar aanleiding van dit succes zijn er wat uitspraken uit interviews opgevallen waaruit je kan opmaken dat er in de toekomst waarschijnlijk nog wel meer Final Fantasy (remakes) voor de DS uit gaan komen.

1UP interview:
1UP: Playing through FFIII DS, it reminds me a lot of FFIX. The look and feel of it…. I feel like you’ve created something with an excellent sense of the classic Final Fantasy feeling. So I have to ask — if the opportunity arose, would you want to use the game’s technology to create remakes of other classic FFs, or maybe even original titles?
Asano: Hopefully, yes!
Tanaka: Given that the game has been received very well here in Japan, we’ll make something along the same lines.

GamesRadar interview:
GR: This is the first time for this game to come to the US. Alongside the plans for FFV and FFVI, we’ll soon have seen remakes of every classic FF game. Where do you go from here?
Tanaka: FFIV, V and VI have been ported to the GBA. As you have seen FFIII is not a port but more of a remake. In the future, since FFIII has been received pretty well so far, we’re actually considering remaking some of the other Final Fantasy games.