Giraffes in space!

Jeff Minter, bekend van 8-bit klassiekers als Gridrunner, Trip-a-Tron, Mama Llama, Hover Bovver, Iridis Alpha, Meta-Galactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time en natuurlijk Tempest 2000 voor de Atari Jaguar heeft vandaag een aantal screenshots van zijn nieuwe game, de Xbox Live Arcade titel Space Giraffe, online geplaatst.

De beschrijving van de game is echter te bizar om goed te vertalen, daarom hieronder de Engelstalige beschrijving van de game:

You are in control of the giraffe. Generally it fires from its hooves but if you make it raise a hoof and hover it over a channel, it'll fire from that hoof too (up to a point, you can't do that indefinitely).

As you shoot stuff the tail grows longer. The length of the tail determines how many things get smart bombed when you press the smart bomb button - the segments of the tail explode sequentially, taking out one enemy with each segment.

If you keep the tail until the end of the level, it'll explode as you leave the surface, yielding bonus points as it does so.

There will be a "helper" you can get as a powerup but it won't be a space giraffe

Space Giraffe moet nog dit jaar te downloaden zijn.