Ouendan wordt Elite Beat Agents

De bizarre Japanse muziekgame Ouendan komt naar het Westen onder de naam Elite Beat Agents. De game zal volledig in het Engels zijn en ook nieuw tracks krijgen.


In a jam? Well, all these guys DO is jam! Prepare to rock as these beat masters use their groovy moves to save the day.

As the music plays, players tap the screen, trace rhythmic patterns and keep the beat as the story unfolds on the top screen.
Every scene is accompanied by rump-shaking tunes, but players have to keep the Elite Beat Agents grooving. The worse players do, the worse the story might end up.
Rhythm games have come and gone, but no one has ever seen anything like the Elite Beat Agents. Whether they’re helping a lost dog find its way home or helping a babysitter charm a hunky football player, no crisis is too weird.