Age of Discovery's eerste screens

Alhoewel er op de site van Ensemble Studios nog langzaam wordt afgeteld naar het nieuwe deel in de Age of Empires reeks, heeft PC Gamer vandaag al de scoop. In het nieuwste nummer van dit tijdschrift is de eerste info te vinden over de game, die volgens PC Gamer Age of Discovery gaat heten. Hieronder hebben we de eerste info en screens.

"Ensemble enters an Age of Discovery - boldy going where no RTS game has ever gone before"

"the third chapter in the series begins in 1500 A.D. and chronicles the Age of Discovery that started around the time that Columbus "discovered" the new world"

"The single player campaign then follows American history up through 1850"

"In multiplayer mode, you'll be able to choose from among eight different civilizations. Only three - the French, Spanish, and British - have been officially confirmed by Ensemble"

"The AI system from Age of Mythology has been heavily modified for use in Age III"