AI Picture Gallery #83

prompt: [Model: MidJourney] character creation, young female dieselpunk pirate WATCHING the sky, sailing the seas of oil slicks, wind and salt corroded rust, big reflective goggles to protect from the corrosive air, cable and tubes mechanical ship setting, rusted, horror vibes, warped perspective, ominous lighting, grimdark, dark reflections, night, in the styles of Giger, Dariusz Zawadzk, Wiesław Wałkuski, trending on artstation, octane render, unreal, photorealism, lighting rendered in Unreal Engine 5 and Cinema4k, Diffraction Grating, Ray Tracing Ambient Occlusion, Antialiasing, GLSL-Shaders, Post Process, Post Production, Cell Shading, Tone Mapping, HDR, 16k long neck, double heads, double faces, double arms, double fingers, double legs, double eyes, double noses, double mouths, double ears, double feet