Ninja Gaiden 3 het beste op Wii U

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge voor Wii U wordt de 'hardcore fan-versie' van de game volgens de makers bij Team Ninja. Waar de eerder verschenen versie voor Xbox 360 en PlayStation 3 matig werd ontvangen moet de Wii U-versie alles goed maken.

"We left out some of the things the series was well-known for. We did leave some of our fans out," gaf Hayashi toe die vervolgens aangaf dat voor Wii U ze alles proberen goed te maken: "We had this opportunity to put those hardcore aspects back in. It's kind of the hardcore fan package of Ninja Gaiden 3."

Over de eerder verschenen versies voor Xbox en PlayStation: "There were good elements and bad elements of it," aldus Hayashi. "Obviously there are new things in there too, but we shouldn't try and throw out what Team Ninja is good at. We had to drop polygons, characters, stages, play around with the frame-rate to get it out there. It was a really rough version. But the Wii U devkit has since improved and we're now working on updated hardware. The E3 version was not good."

Ninja Gaiden 3 (6)