MGS 3D wordt grootste 3DS-game

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D gaat geleverd worden op cartridges van 4GB groot. Dit is tweemaal de standaard van 2GB. Het wordt de eerste game die op een dergelijk grote cartridge uitkomt. Nintendo heeft een uitzondering gemaakt voor Kojima Productions omdat de game van DVD afkomt.

"In the beginning, Nintendo did announce 2GB cartridges but the thing is, we're coming from a DVD format. Really on the PlayStation 2 at that point, even before we upped the resolution, it was taking up almost the full 4.7GB on the DVD. We really couldn't bring that down to two, so at the very beginning we spoke with Nintendo and told them we had this problem and asked if there was anything it could do to help us out.

Luckily, Nintendo said that 2GB wasn't the hard limit and that eventually it was thinking of raising the size. We asked if we could be the first ones to do so and luckily they gave us the okay."

Er is nog geen definitieve releasedatum voor de game, maar men verwacht de game nog dit jaar.