Nog meer Zelda: Twilight Princess details bekend

Er is wat meer bekend over het aankomende Zelda-avontuur voor de GameCube. Zo zullen er twee werelden zijn zoals in A Link to the Past en Metroid Prime 2. Ook zitten er meer kerkers in het spel dan in het N64-avontuur Ocarina of Time. Alle nieuwe details kun je hieronder doorlezen:
-The title of the game comes from the "Twilight" which is apparently a dark and evil force spreading throughout the world. Seems like there's some sort of a Dark/Light world thing going on.

-Link Transforms into a wolf whenever he enters the "Twilight" world. He is NOT a Werewolf

-The Female creature shown in the trailer riding link is an enemy of some sort, but you have to team up to fight an even greater evil.

-Link can talk to animals, and they teach you abilities throughout the game.

-Certain puzzles in dungeons require you going back and forth between the Light and Twilight worlds. (Similar to Link to the past and Metroid Prime 2)

-The entire soundtrack is fully orchestrated for the first time in Zelda history.

-The game is going to feature more Dungeons than OOT and the overall scale of the game is much much larger.