Stap in je vliegtuig in The Battle of Britain 2 screenshots

Goed nieuws voor alle vliegfanaten, want ontwikkelaar Shockwave Productions heeft de eerste screenshots vrijgegeven van The Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory. De game is de opvolger van The Battle of Britain, toen nog gemaakt door Rowan.

Het doel van de ontwikkelaar is een zo realistisch mogelijke vliegervaring te presenteren in de beroemde slag om Engeland in de WW2. Naast de screenshots heeft Shockwave Productions ook een hoop informatie over de gameplay elementen van de game losgelaten:

- New DirectX 9 technology
- The "In Cockpit" Experience
- Clickable cockpits for the ultimate flying experience
- Realistic starting procedures via mouse
- Built-in native track-IR support with the latest 6 degrees of freedom support, including moving your head forward, backwards, left, right, up and down:
o Lift your head for a more, over-the-nose view
o Lean out the window while taxiing
o Keep your eyes fixed on the target
- The industry's best padlocking system
- The industry's most natural g-force movements

The Ultimate Dynamic Campaign

- Authentic re-creation of the entire Battle of Britain campaign
- Experience epic battles with hundreds of aircraft in the air
- Thousands of aircraft are tracked and combat ready from their historical airfields. Knocking out enemy airfields hurts the enemy's ability to launch aircraft from those specific airfields.
- Authentic radar and spotting system:
o British coastal radar network spots planes, reports data to central command, aircraft readiness is checked at nearby airfields and interceptors are appropriately vectored
o Damaged radar systems create "outages" or "holes" in the defensive screen
o Human spotters exist all over the British countryside, and their ability to spot is affected by weather conditions
- The entire war machine, down to just a single building is modeled
- Be the supreme commander or just be the pilot

"RealWeather" Technology

- Both historical and dynamic weather conditions exist throughout the theater
- Building storm fronts with towering storm heads
- Turbulence
- Real-time, in-flight weather changes
- Realistic weather forecasting

Artificial Intelligence

- Computer piloted airplanes fly with the same performance and flight characteristics the player flies with, for a precise, historically accurate offline experience
- "RealPilot" Artificial Intelligence Technology means enemy aircraft have the same limitations the player has
- Both the player and the enemy can use the clouds for safety and cover
- Study and exploit the enemy's weaknesses with charts included in the printed pilot's manual
- Enemy aircraft have the same characteristics and performance as the player's aircraft, including actual joystick movements

Realistic Sound

- Authentic engine sounds and behavior, inside and out
- Machineguns, explosions, hits, and flack fill the battlefield
- Negative g stalls, sputtering, engine overheating
- Open the canopy and hear the difference
- Complex engine management including prop-pitch, mixture, and engine temperature

Unprecedented Visual Effects

- Accurately modeled visual effects create the ultimate battlefield experience
- Authentic bomb blasts in accordance to military test data, including realistic fireball size / duration, shockwaves, and dirt blasts
- Realistic gun-hits on aircraft, ground targets, land, and water
- Towering clouds of black smoke cover the battlefield for the entire flight
- Be a part of hundreds of bombers as countless bombs reign down on targets below

- Immersive, powerful, and historical command and control on the ground and in the air
- Command examples:
o "Target bombers"
o "Vector me to nearest airfield"
o "Tower, what is the wind at altitude?"

En dan natuurlijk nog de screenshots: