
Snakes on McCain

Aparte humor en je moet er van houden. Op de site Snakes on McCain kom je allerlei aparte overdenkingen en tweegesprekjes tegen:

Bijvoorbeeld: de avonturen van God en hoe leg je een tijdreiziger internet uit?

Guy: It’s pronounced ‘pubic’.
Dude: Really?
Guy: Yeah. Not public. There’s no “L”
Dude: Well, that would explain the court summons…
Jeff: Hey, Hitler. You look shaken up.
Hitler: Some Jewish guy from the future tried to kill me. Again.
Jeff: Again!?
Hitler: This is getting insane. 
Jeff: Tell me about it. You should really do something about that.
Hitler: But I have no idea what’s going on here.
Jeff: They’re from the future, right? Future space Jews.
Hitler: Yeah. Like, 2004 and stuff.
Jeff: Whoa.
Hitler: I know, right? Future city.
Jeff: But! You know what that means, right? If you can kill their grandparents…
Hitler: That would be the final solution. And no Space-Jews would try to kill me.
Jeff: (nods) It’s the only way.
Hitler: Thanks Jeff. You’re a real life saver dude. (pause) Maybe I should kill the gays too.
Jeff: Why?
Hitler: Did you see their jeans? So skinny. And one had a Coldplay shirt.
Jeff: What’s Coldplay?
Hitler: Who knows, but it sounds pretty gay.