Luie SimCity-testers riskeren Origin-ban

Leuk hè, zo'n veredelde demo? Oh nee. De SimCity-bèta begint deze week en testers die bugs tegenkomen of informatie over bugs hebben moeten dit aangeven. Doen zij dit niet, dan riskeren zij de kans dat hun Origin-account geband wordt. Dit staat in de voorwaarden die je moet accepteren voordat je mag beginnen.

"It is understood and agreed that, as part of your participation in the Beta Program, it is your responsibility to report all known bugs, abuse of ‘bugs’, ‘undocumented features’ or other defects and problems related to the Game and Beta Software to EA as soon as they are found (‘Bugs’). If you know about a Bug or have heard about a Bug and fail to report the Bug to EA, we reserve the right to treat you no differently from someone who abuses the Bug. You acknowledge that EA reserve the right to lock anyone caught abusing a Bug out of all EA products."

De kans is erg klein dat spelers daadwerkelijk hun account op Origin kwijtraken, maar de mogelijkheid is er.