Microsoft: "Xbox Live is niet gehackt"

Vanmorgen stond er in de Britse krant The Sun dat Xbox Live gehackt zou zijn en dat er miljoenen ponden gestolen zijn van duizenden gebruikers. Later in het artikel is duidelijk gemaakt dat het ging om zogenaamd 'phishing'-praktijken waarbij criminelen proberen gegevens te verkrijgen.

Deze gegevens verkrijgen ze vaak door er naar te vragen of nagemaakte websites of mailtjes die ze versturen. Microsoft heeft gereageerd op het bericht door aan te geven dat alle gebruikers voorzichtig moeten zijn met hun gegevens maar dat de service niet gehackt is of dat er geld gestolen is.

In onderstaande, volledige reactie van Microsoft wordt wel aangegeven dat er recent mensen slachtoffer zijn geworden van phishing. Lees hieronder de volledige verklaring van Microsoft.

"Xbox LIVE has not been hacked. Microsoft can confirm that there has been no breach to the security of our Xbox LIVE service.

"In this case, a number of Xbox LIVE members appear to have recently been victim of malicious 'phishing' scams (ie. online attempts to acquire personal information such as passwords, user names and credit card details by purporting to be a legitimate company or person).

"The online safety of Xbox LIVE members remains of the utmost importance, which is why we consistently take measures to protect Xbox LIVE against ever-changing threats. As a result, we are currently:

  • "Working closely with affected members who have been in touch with us to investigate and/or resolve any unauthorized changes to their accounts resulting from phishing scams;
  • "Warning people against opening unsolicited e-mails which may contain spyware and other malware that can access personal information contained on their computer without their knowledge or permission;
  • "Reminding all customers that they should be very careful to keep all personal information secure whenever online and never supply e-mail addresses, passwords or credit card information to strangers.

"Microsoft remains vigilant at all times regarding the security of Xbox LIVE customers. As always, Xbox LIVE customers who have any queries or concerns should contact Xbox LIVE Customer Service on 0800 587 1102 or visit"