Bioware gaat door met seks met aliens

Herinner je nog die seksscene met die blauwe alien in The Citadel? Vond je het leuk? Mooi, dan hebben we goed nieuws. BioWare wil graag de grenzen opzoeken en doet dat met zoveel mogelijk controversiële momenten in Mass Effect 2. "We don't shy away" zegt genoeg over hoe BioWare over de reacties denkt. Dus ze gaan gezellig door met het maken met seksscenes. Dat zeiden Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, oprichters van BioWare, in een interview met VG247.

VG247: Anything controversial this time? In the same regard as the…

Greg: The big over-reaction?

Ray: We don’t shy away from emotionally engaging moments. We try to make them contextually appropriate. They’re not gratuitous for the sake of gratuity. We put them in to actually drive an emotional response, but the journey you’ve gone through to get to that point in the game, it has to feel like that is a real point, a real outcome that makes sense to the player to get that point. They’re not there for shock value.

If there’s surprise and delight in the emotionally engaging moment then that’s great too, but they have to feel contextually appropriate. We just make games with great stories and characters and, just like in real life, some of the interactions are emotionally charged between some of the characters. There could be all types of different emotions. And even the experience itself, we strive for emotion… We’re not shying away from it.

In 2010 kun je overigens weer verder met dat controversiële gedoe, dus het is nog eventjes wachten.