Black Inc. onthult aantal units van WorldShift

Onder het mom van geclassificeerde informatie zijn veel van de units waar je meer zult spelen in WorldShift momenteel nog niet te zien. Langzamerhand komt daar verandering in, want in de loop der tijd zal uitgever Black Inc. de units niet zozeer tonen -veel stonden er al in screenshots- maar vooral zullen de beestjes namen gaan krijgen. Uiteraard begon het bedrijf met de meest voorkomende menselijke unit, de Trooper en vandaag komen daar de Judge en de Ripper bij.


Simply said, the Judges are Troopers’ bosses. In the Megacities, the Judges act as sheriffs, leading their Troopers as a police force to enforce law and order in the name of the city Senate. When supporting expeditions, they command the Troopers into battle against foreign threats: mutants from the Tribes, rival task forces from other cities, or the creatures of the Plague. Judges do not like to dally around; they fulfill their mission swiftly and effectively, with no excessive formalities. The sight of a marching Judge in his magnificent armor is a source of fear and respect in the streets of the city and a constant nightmare for the lowlifes.

Een aantal judges in actie


In spite of being the most common combat machines in the Megacities, Rippers are far from harmless. Indeed, ranged weaponry is reserved for their smarter and more powerful cousins; however, Rippers’ razor-sharp melee claws shred most materials like butter. In the narrow city corridors or dense Wasteland jungles, often firepower is not so much of an advandage, and a whirlwind of blades has no less stopping power than a pointed gun.

Een groepje Rippers in de aanval