Enkele reis naar Mars

Ik kwam het volgende bericht tegen en in het kort komt het neer op het volgende:

In a special edition published in October, the Journal of Cosmology detailed how a human mission to Mars could be a reality in as little as 20 years.... So a few scientists proposed an unconventional idea: send astronauts -- but simplify the flight by making it a one-way trip. The astronauts would be settlers as well as explorers. A return trip is massively more difficult than the voyage there, partly because the fuel and supplies to get home would have make the round trip from Earth. 

It's just a fanciful idea for now -- but the editors say they were stunned when more than 500 e-mail messages came from people around the world, volunteering to be the first Mars colonists.

Dus ruim 500 mensen zien zo'n zelfmoordmissie richting Mars wel zitten. Zou jij het aandurven om op zo'n enkele reis richting Mars te gaan?

Poll: Een enkele reis naar Mars...


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