
Avalanche geeft Just Cause 2-mod hun zegen

Avalanche Studios, ontwikkelaar van Just Cause 2, heeft hun goedkeuring gegeven om een multiplayer mod uit te laten geven via Steam. Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod is vanaf 16 december te downloaden via Valve's digitale platform.

Christofer Sundberg was verrast door de ontwikkeling van de mod: "At first we couldn't believe it was real. It was a very positive surprise for us. When the community takes such an interest in your game, it's a very solid stamp of approval."

"We reached out to the guys quite early and obviously gave them our blessing. The JC2-MP team has done a fantastic job. They are a super-talented group of game developers that I'd love to work closer with them in the future, despite the physical distance between us."

Avalance heeft in 2010 zelf ook geprobeerd om een multiplayermodus toe te voegen aan het spel, maar die zag uiteindelijk nooit het licht. "Of course we did, but for budget and timing reasons those plans fell through. Personally, I've never been of the opinion that Rico as a character was well suited for multiplayer, but the world certainly is."

Sundberg wilde verder nog niets loslaten over een eventuele opvolger van Just Cause 2: "The multiplayer mod has been really inspiring to us. We have been discussing what we'd like to do with the Just Cause IP in the future, but it's too early to talk about it just yet."

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