Makers Zeno Clash doen beroep op geweten piraten

Net zoals alle games verscheen ook Zeno Clash op torrentsites. Zero day piracy is goed tegen te houden, maar het onvermijdelijke gebeurt altijd. De makers van Zeno Clash hebben geen groot team advocaten maar deden een poging om op de gewetens van piraten in te praten. Iets wat lijkt te lukken, kijkend naar de positieve reacties op het verhaal op de desbetreffende torrentsite.

I’m one of the developers of Zeno Clash. I would appreciate you read this if you are about to download this file.

Zeno Clash is an independently funded game by a very small and sacrificed group of people. The only way in which we can continue making games like this (or a sequel) is to have good sales.

I am aware that at this moment there is still no demo of the game, but we are working on one which will be available soon.

We cannot do anything to stop piracy of the game (and honestly don’t intend to do so) but if you are downloading because you wish to try before you buy, I would ask that you purchase the game (and support the independent game development scene) if you enjoy it. We plan on updating Zeno Clash with DLC and continuing support for the game long after it’s [sic] release.

Thanks for taking the time to read this… hopefully it will make a difference.