"Door Metacritic komt er te veel druk op developers"

Waarschijnlijk kijk jij weleens op Metacritic. Deze website geeft namelijk weer hoe goed een game ongeveer is. Zo hoef je niet elke website af te speuren, omdat Metacritic al gelijk een gemiddelde score - van vele reviews - van een game geeft. Voor ons gamers is het heel erg handig, maar de developers zijn er niet blij mee. Splash Damages studio director Paul Wedgwood is er namelijk zeer ontevreden mee.

Developers worden volgens Wedgwood door Metacritic onder druk gezet. Dat komt omdat steeds meer bedrijven financiële bonussen schenkt wanneer een game een hoog cijfer krijgt op Metacritic. Wedgwood vindt dat ronduit belachelijk en heeft bijvoorbeeld liever een vijf-sterrensysteem in plaats van een cijfersysteem.

"Personally I think it's ridiculous. In the film industry, four stars is an amazing score. I think it's a really good idea for a developer to go to a publisher and demand that they get an additional bonus for achieving a certain review score, but it shouldn't affect their royalties or anything else. If you have a high-selling game, you have a high-selling game.

"We know that some websites score quite high and some quite low, but in general, all websites tend to score between 60 and 100. There's never a 37. It's as if that whole section doesn't exist, so zero starts at 60, so three stars, and goes up to five. It's just not really an accurate enough measure.

"I think that if anything, the games press should take the pressure off themselves, and just go across to star ratings, which for films is nothing more than a recommendation that you buy it, watch it when you get the chance, or rush out and see it straight away, and it's your personal recommendation. It's not a 'score'. If that was all you did, nobody would hate you guys for it.

"Out of ten is a good start. Percentiles put too much pressure on a journalist to justify an exact score. It puts too much pressure on the developer to try and identify these criteria that lead to very specific point increases or decreases, which is not at all what the developer should be focusing on."

Wedgwood geeft wel toe dat zijn bedrijf ook beïnvloedt worden door de cijfers op Metacritic. Dit wordt echter niet beïnvloed door financiële bonussen, maar het wordt gebruikt als een doel.

"The shameless pursuit of critical acclaim. It's not so much that it's purely the reception that we get from critics alone - we also mean critical acclaim from fans, and feeling like we've made something that they want to play. But really it's this notion that you focus on the quality of the game, you don't have a set release date irrespective of that.

"It's a sad fact that in 2007, two of the highest-selling videogames were also two of the lowest-rated. So that's one of the things we're trying to get across to students - that it's better to be a play-tester at Epic than it is a lead artist at a terribly naff studio that's focused purely on getting something out in time."

Hopelijk wordt dit nog vervolgd, want we denken dat Wedgwood niet de enige is die ontevreden is.