Kaz Hirai: "Xbox 360 kan niet lang meegaan"

Het moddergooien gaat weer door. Ditmaal is het Kaz Hirai die een stukje modder heeft gevonden om er mee te gooien. De voorzitter van Sony Computer Entertainment heeft gezegd dat de Xbox 360 niet lang kan meegaan en dat de PlayStation 3 uiteindelijk de spreekwoordelijke finish zal halen. "I'd like to think that we continue official leadership in this industry." Tsja, hoe zit het met Nintendo dan? Met Nintendo gaat het namelijk veel beter dan Microsoft en Sony...

"It's difficult to talk about Nintendo because we don't look at their console as being competitors. They're a different world and we operate in our world - that's kind of the way I look at things.

"And with the Xbox - again, I can't come up with one word to fit. You need a word that describes something that lacks longevity," aldus Kaz Hirai.

"Last time I checked, they've never had a console that's been on the market for more than four or five years and we've committed to a ten year life cycle, so you do the math.

"And unless things go really bad, there's no way that at the end of a life cycle our competition is going to have a higher install base."

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