Treyarch: World at War voelt veel beter dan eerdere CoD's

De multiplayer van Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is nog steeds ongelofelijk populair op Xbox Live. De mannen van Infinity Ward hebben daarmee puik werk afgeleverd. Aan Treyarch de taak om die prestatie te verbeteren, maar dat is zeer lastig werk. Treyarch heeft er echter de volle vertrouwen in; volgens hen voelt deze Call of Duty veel beter dan de voorgaande Call of Duty games.

"We sat down and we said CoD4 multiplayer is sterling, it's a wonderful experience, and we said, 'what can we add to it?', and the list is really long. It's a lot of different weapons, it's keeping some of the perks but renaming some perks but doing lots of new perks, it's different weapons and different attachments for every different race, different types of grenades, bringing back game modes that people liked from previous Call of Duties, like War, adding in tanks, adding in the ability to revive, giving you a reward when you Prestige, raising the level cap to 65 and doing a lot of different things at different levels, adding in some new kind of spoiler gameplay like nerve gas and signal flares and stuff like that, adding a squad mode, so now you can choose to be a squad leader and set a waypoint on your map that everyone can go to, and the kill streaks of course, lots of these little tweaks add up to something which feels like Call of Duty but I think it also feels like something new and different... I think it feels much better than any Call of Duty I've had a chance to play. CoD4 is great multiplayer. CoD: World at War is its own new multiplayer and I think fans will really enjoy both."

Sommige FOK!kers hebben de multiplayer bèta van Call of Duty: World at War gespeeld. Wat vonden jullie ervan? Voelde het inderdaad beter dan de andere Call of Duty games?