Patch notes Uncharted 4 bekendgemaakt
Patches, we ontkomen er niet meer aan. Ook het nieuw gelanceerde Uncharted 4: A Thief's End moet eraan geloven en heeft ondertussen de eerste patch al mogen ontvangen. Naughty Dog heeft de patch notes vrijgegeven, die je hieronder kunt vinden.
Het gaat vooral om fixes die crashes voorkomen en een hoop ellende in de multiplayer van de game. Je leest het allemaal hieronder. Onze review kun je hier rustig nog eens nalezen.
- Various Localization updates
Single Player:
- Fixed various crashes
- Fixed particle sync issue
- General
- Gameplay crash fixes
- Fix for Entitlement Limits being reached causing users to not see Uncharted Points they had purchased
- Enabled a pop-up to appear while in the menus to inform users of new updates
- Fix for Challenge completed pop-up appearing after already completing the challenge
- Fix for Loadout Point unlocks not triggering properly
- Fix for store item descriptions
- Leaderboard text fixes
- Fix for post-game medal description
- Added Leaderboards menu item to matchmaking page so players can check out their leaderboard stats while in matchmaking
- Fixed booster level issue for late-joiners
- Sniper Sidekick - Path of Indra mod now plays sound properly when Sniper teleports
- Timer display error fix for Matchmaking lobby
- Fix for private match settings not being visible after viewing previous game results
- Fixed crash that can occur during the end game scoreboard
- Ranked TDM
- Fix for team favor display for when teams are evenly matched in Ranked TDM
- Fix for rank point bug where players were incorrectly getting penalized for both win/loss
- Rank progress is now displayed when browsing the Ranked TDM playlist, before entering
- Lowered the max rank that can be achieved after initial placement matches from Gold I to Gold III
- Command
- Fix for a crash that occurs during a game of Command
- Fix for store prices sometimes being improper while being a Captain
- Fix for contested status icon not updating properly
- Fix for late-join player seeing improper status icon
- Plunder
- Fix for the idol respawn timer not appearing properly
- Fix for weapon gameplay issues while hodling the idol
- Treasure chest, player starting spawns, & idol spawn locations tweaked
- Fix for idol pickup causing loss of functionality
- Fix for scoring animation playing improperly
- Fix for throwing animation playing improperly
- Weapons
- Fix for sniper rifle scope-in times
- Fix for weapon progression being inappropriately earned
- Fix for starting ammo mod on some weapons
- Mysticals
- Spirit of the Djinn
- Fix for timer not working properly
- Fix for FX not deactivating properly
- Fix for improperly turning off during to network errors
- Fix for icon not clearing properly when a player dies while it is active
- Fix for not being able to purchase while wating to respawn
- Staff of Ayar Manco received a decrease in the ammount of points it contributes towards your Support Score
- Spirit of the Djinn
1.03.013 (MP ONLY)
- Decrease number of Warm-Up matches to unlock other playlists to 1 game
- Decreased the maximum Warm-Up matches from 10 to 5
- Tripled the Rank Points lost for a quit or disconnect in Ranked TDM
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