
Doelbewust minder stealth in Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Tijdens de E3 van dit jaar kwam Ubisoft met een trailer voor Splinter Cell: Blacklist. De trailer zat bomvol actie, silenced kills en doorgesneden kelen. Ubisoft heeft doelbewust een trailer gemaakt vol met actie zodat de game niet ondergesneeuwd zou raken in de drukte rondom de E3, vertelt Patrick Redding.

“I think the important thing to remember about E3 is you’re always out to make a splash, to make your mark, to make sure everybody sees you in the backdrop of the other games which are out there. So we kind of needed to go with something that was a little bit different and explosive, and maybe even a little controversial in terms of the franchise.

We went with something which showcased exteriors, showcased daylight, something that showcased concealment instead of outright stealth, and showcased a wide range of Sam’s abilities including some things which were fairly aggressive. That was something we set out to do, because frankly, we needed to start that dialogue by reaching out to those who maybe have never played Splinter Cell and needed to at least notice us.”

Het lijkt dus alsof Ubisoft af gaat stappen van het stealth-concept waar Splinter Cell groot mee is geworden. Redding gaat binnenkort om het gesprek aan met de meer hardcore fans van de reeks om ervoor te zorgen dat de game niet te veel afdwaalt van de kern van Splinter Cell.

“We know that we’re going to have to have the conversation with more established fans and fans who stealth play and we definitely have a lot to talk about with them on that exact subject and we’ll be doing just that in the coming months.”

De game moet volgend jaar uitkomen voor Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 en waarschijnlijk ook Wii U.

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