Drie studios en een game-serie minder voor THQ

In verband met een 'strategische reorganisatie' bij THQ, heeft de uitgever besloten om twee studios te sluiten en eentje te verkopen. Daarnaast heeft het bestuur er mee ingestemd om de MX vs. ATV-franchise stil te leggen.

THQ is in the process of transitioning its portfolio away from licensed kids titles and movie-based entertainment properties for consoles and has also decided not to actively pursue further development of the MX vs. ATV franchise at this time", aldus het uitgegeven persbericht.

As a result, the company announced the closure of two studios in Australia, and the elimination of a development team at the company’s Phoenix location. The company is maintaining its Quality Assurance team in Phoenix.

De twee ongelukkige Australische studios zijn Blob 2-ontwikkelaar Blue Tongue Entertainment en de in Brisbane gesitueerde THQ Studio Australia, verantwoordelijk voor Megamind en Avatar: The Last Airbender. De MX vs. ATV-serie was ondergebracht bij THQ Studio Phoenix.

Tweehonderd mensen zijn hun baan verloren. "Witth this realignment, we are narrowing our focus to high-quality owned IP with broad appeal that can be leveraged across multiple platforms, and to work with the best talent in the industry”, zegt directeur en CEO Brian Farrell.

By right-sizing our internal development capacities for our console portfolio, our five internal studios are focused on delivering high-quality games with talented teams driving the execution of those titles to market."

As we have outlined in our business strategies, we are making shifts to reduce movie-based and licensed kids’ video games in our portfolio, which underscores our strategy to move away from games that will not generate strong profits in the future."

“We will continue to evaluate our capital and resources to concentrate on fast growing digital business initiatives such as social games, mobile and tablet-based digital entertainment.” 

Op dit moment heeft THQ nog vijf studios die zich op 'core-titels' focussen.