Producer LittleBigPlanet geeft info vrij in interview

Joystiq heeft een interview afgenomen met LittleBigPlanet-producer Pete Smith en interface-designer Jim Unwin. Hierin staat wat nieuwe informatie over het nieuwe pareltje van de PS3.

Zo is er een limiet aan content dat je toe kan voegen in een level:

"There's a thermometer in the Create mode which shows how complex your level is. This is just a rough estimation and we've only ever seen it maxed out once and that was here, at Leipzig. One guy kept a level open for an entire day while groups of German press rotated in and more content was added. By the end of the day it was maxed out, but none of our levels, the ones on the game disc, even come close."

Ook werd gezegd dat de game ongeveer 50 standaard levels zal bevatten die goed zijn voor minimaal 20 uur gameplay:

"Around 50-ish. There'll be an interlinking story, too, so it's not just a random selection of levels. About the first half of the game is one long tutorial, introducing you to all the gameplay mechanics in the game. It takes me [Jim Unwin, interface designer] about 12 hours to complete all the levels, and I've been developing the game for the past however-many months. So expect it to take a bit longer than that."

Het gehele interview is hier te lezen.