Ophef over Wii Zapper

Op NJ.com, een site over "alles New Jersey", heeft men bij de parental guidance rubriek de vraag gesteld wat men vond van de Wii Zapper. Enkele reacties vind je hieronder. De Wii Zapper is een omhulsel waarin je Wiimote en nunchuk passen. Hiermee zou je dan makkelijk games kunnen spelen die je vroeger op Nintendo consoles speelde met de lightgun.

"Great, this is what we need. Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kids......what's next? Could we make it squirt blood, too"

"....Why don't they enclose an application to the NRA* in every box as well....the marketing person who came up with this brain child of an idea should be fired."

"I think it's irresponsible for Wii to come out with a controller that looks like a gun so kids can play games simulating shooting. What kind of message are we sending as parents when we buy these things for our kids?"

"....I really hope that those people out there who believe that a gun-shaped remote will turn every kid that touches one into a homicidal maniac, don't ruin the fun for us Wii-playing adults who can handle the reality. I grew up with toy guns and also shot a rifle in the sixth grade and never killed anyone....If you don't think it's a good idea, then please, feel free to exercise your right to protest by not purchasing the product....."

*NRA staat voor de National Rifle Association, de grootste vereniging van vuurwapeneigenaren in de Verenigde Staten