Vreemde Chinese naaktloopster
Uit China komen veel leuke filmpjes, ook dit filmpje komt uit China. Maar om het nou leuk te noemen.. Het is namelijk een nogal vreemde naaktloperes. Hier vind je het hele verhaal van deze verwarde jongedame.
Met dank aan 6783969135987342567865916 voor de submit.
In the video, a bystander is filming a naked girl walking around on the streets of Shenzhen. Other bystanders start gathering to see what’s going on, and some try to cover her up with clothes, but she refuses and even lashes out by hitting back. After flinging off these garments, she goes back to walking around in the middle of the street. One bystander remarks that it has to be a drug overdose, another observed that she had wounds on her body from being hit, and the guy who was filming said she had a lot of wounds on her hands with other chiming in there were slits on her wrists.
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